Consent & release terms

Share Your Climate Story Consent and Release Terms

The Australian Climate Case and Share Your Climate Story campaign are projects of the Grata Fund (ABN 16 605 441 638) (‘Grata’). The Australian Climate Case refers to proceedings numbered VID622/2021 Pabai Pabai v Commonwealth of Australia, and any related proceedings or appeals. The Share Your Climate Story campaign allows you to share your stories about climate change and read about how other people are also being affected by climate change. By sharing your name, location, email, occupation, images and story (‘Your Information’) with us, you agree that Grata can use Your Information for the purpose of promoting the Australian Climate Case and the Share Your Climate Story campaign (‘Purpose’). This includes using Your Information in any:
  • fundraising;
  • media, including on social media, print media and broadcast media;
  • publications, including any websites, emails, letters, press releases, books, articles;
  • events, including online or offline events; or
  • any other communications.
You also agree that in Grata’s use of Your Information for the Purpose:
  • Grata can crop and alter any photographs or images you give us;
  • Grata can edit your story for grammar, while publishing your story as faithfully as possible;
  • You will not receive compensation for Grata’s use of Your Information; and
  • Your Information can be used by Grata indefinitely, unless and until you tell us stop using Your Information.
You can contact us at if you have any questions or concerns about the use of Your Information.