
This legal battle is a huge undertaking.
We can’t do it alone.

Uncle Pabai and Uncle Paul have taken the Australian Government to court for its failure to act on climate change and the devastating impact on communities, culture and Country in the Torres Strait. Donate now to support their fight. 

With the generous support of our community we’ve been able to ensure that Uncle Pabai, Uncle Paul and community witnesses have the best legal team and barristers available. However, the fight is far from over. In November at the Federal Court in Melbourne Justice Wigney will hear the second part of the case including expert evidence from climate and policy experts, the Australian Government’s witnesses and arguments about the law

Running a case like this is incredibly expensive and the next phase alone, to fund expert reports, court costs and travel will cost hundreds of thousands of dollars.

Please donate to help fund our legal battle to protect the Torres Strait from climate change.

  • $75 could help us mobilise our communities to fight for climate justice
  • $125 could pay for flights and accommodation so we can travel between the Torres Strait and court
  • $250 could fund expert witness fees so we can show how climate change will harm the Torres Strait

Note: Any online transactions will occur on the Grata Fund website. Grata Fund is supporting our case. 

All donations of $2 and over are tax deductible in Australia. 

ABN 16 605 441 638

Direct Deposit 

Grata Fund Limited 
BSB 313 140
Account Number 12 239 644 

Please include your full name in the reference and email us at so that we can send a receipt for your donation.